Juvenile Self Directed
Consistent anger is just a symptom of a greater mental or emotional disease. This course helps youth and parents to discover the source of their child’s anger and how to avoid it. The course demonstrates the connection between self-defeating thoughts and behaviors that lead to life altering changes. It is a work of historical fiction that follows the lives of some who do or do not learn to avoid anger.
The marijuana awareness course is presented in a story format. It follows the lives of several people who use marijuana and the results of their usage. Its focus is to offer cognitive thinking skills that will allow the person to make correct decisions concerning their usage. It avoids contention and allows the individual to make their own decisions.
The Minor in Possession Life Skills Course was designed to help youth and young adults consider the possible long-term, life-threatening consequences of using alcohol and drugs. It is a self-awareness course that focuses on captivity versus freedom. This course is written as historical fiction that follows the lives of real people with real consequences. Life is too important to waste it becoming tangled in the web of substance abuse.
This course helps teens to get over past mistakes and bad decisions and focus on the present and future. It explains how to avoid negative thinking from the past and look forward to bright possibilities. It discusses the things in life that keep them from progressing. It teaches youth nine important cognitive skills for lasting happiness and progress.
The Driver Responsibility course focuses on the “x-factor” of driving; which is the values and attitudes of drivers. If we never change driver-thinking errors, we can never change driver behavior. It all starts with our personal way of being; who we are without thinking who we are. Research shows that most all drivers have the basic skills to drive correctly, but many lack the cognitive skills of patience and empathy.
The objective is to present to youth a wide range of practical and cognitive skills that can help them be chemically free. The only way back to sobriety is through the inner self, accompanied by strong determination and support from others. Youth playing around with drugs is like playing Russian roulette—you never know when a bullet will fire.
This course focuses on the many reasons for theft and shoplifting. It not only demonstrates the impact on businesses but also the consequences for the perpetrators as they trade a few dollars for a criminal record. It also demonstrates 10 proven cognitive skills for successful living, and how to avoid the common thinking traps that are easy to fall into.
This course was specifically designed to be completed at home between youth and a parent or guardian. It includes the major problems confronting youth today, including peer pressure, substance abuse, lack of cognition, self-esteem, and choices. This cognitive restructuring curriculum is designed to help youth and parents overcome self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. The goal is to have parents take a larger role and achieve greater understanding about their children's lives.